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  • Writer's pictureNatalie Johnson

Cash is Freedom (2 minute read)

Tax time isn't too far in the rearview, and if you're thinking about business practices that can keep more money in your pocket, you're not alone. Quite often we do not even question daily practice nonessential necessities until we are confronted with the grand sum of such ideas like card fees. 😱

Credit card and debit card fees are no joke! You've got batch fees, transactional percentages, individual transaction fees, interchange fees...dude! Something's gotta give! On a small scale of one transaction, you may think, "30 cents per transaction and 3.15%, that's really not that bad."

Is it not? It's your business and your reputation that bring the clients to you. It's your marketing and staff that works to build up and increase your loyal clientele. The component that cards bring to your business is convenience. Convenience that you have to pay for. Believe you me, it's not that I am solely against card transactions; I completely onboard with showing the government and other prying eyes what I WANT THEM TO SEE. My issue lies with the false factoids that we have been force-fed such as, "credits cards increase your sales totals, and people just don't have cash anymore."

With those statements having a grain of truth, I offer a solution that benefits all parties involved [that matter].

Have an ATM installed in your facility and offer your clients a way to support your business and protect their spending from tracking systems and reporting agencies.

Not only are you pinned/geocached to show your potential clients that you support freedom in spending and access to their own hard earned money, you are being highlighted online as a location that provides a reliable community service. The ATM in your facility will also provide additional cashflow through being paid for every time someone takes money out of that machine.

Protect your business and cash, and set up a consulting appointment.

Got Your Six,


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